Saturday, April 2, 2011

What do atheists believe about the historical Jesus?

There is no doubt that Jesus of Nazareth was a real, historical figure, but what do atheists who deny his divinity believe about him? Schizophrenic? You'll notice that I kept all references to him lower case as I myself (a 16 year old) become more doubtful. Also, a little blasphemous theory of my own. Mary, a young girl soon to be married to a carpenter named Joseph, eloped with another man, and out of fear for her own life and the life of the baby she carried, and fully aware of what the Law said about the coming of a Messiah, claimed to have received a message from an angel. From there she and her husband raised her son Jesus into the Jewish faith, all the while telling him that he was the Messiah. And judging by the fact that Christianity has thoroughly established itself throughout the world, Jesus was probably pretty intelligent and a good public speaker. Thoughts anyone?

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